Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Sensible Approach To Writing A Good Business Plan

Mark Jauquet clearly explain the format and contents of a good business plan should include several pars; Executive Summary, Company Description, Market Size, Technology Description, Competition, Sales/Revenue generation, Finances, and Management. It is very important to capture investors attention and interest before going into any detail about your business, which makes executive summary a very critical part of your business plan.  I guess "short and sweet" is the key to a good executive summary.  If investor like the short and sweet idea, then we can start to talk about what the company does and another most important key point- where is the money market for them.  After all, the business plan is a sales proposal for your idea.  Investor need to know how much your idea cost and how much it is worth.  No one will buy anything that does not have price or value attach to it.  In order to increase the value of your business idea and make it more appeal, the supporting point such as Technology Description, Competition and Management plays important roll here.  Investor like to know what exactly your company do and what type of technology you invent or apply.  Mark also point out that in the Management description, it is important to show investor that how enthusiastic you and your team are for the new business, and how much will you be willing to sacrifice for the success.  If a investor is welling to gamble on you, I am sure they want to know if you are willing to take risk as they are and be on the same boat with them.  The last, money talk is probably the most important fact for the success of the business plan.  Your sales and revenue prediction has direct impact of investor's decision.  No money no talk, the golden rule of the business.   

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