Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Business Funding

Where can I get money to start my business? Well, $ 5,000 from my own pocket is probably how much I can put into my investment to start.  Of course, its probably not going to last long.  Other than myself, first person who pop into my mind is my father.  My father is some what wealthy.  As long as I can convince him with my business idea, he should be able to help me out or at least "loan" me the money.  Also, since my business idea involves with software and system design, the beginning funding does not require whole lot.  However,  I will need to find at least two partners who has skills in either software developing or marketing and are welling to invest their time, knowledge and money into this newly created business together because the project idea is defiantly require a team with multiple strength to accomplish it.  Of course, my partners will have their share of the company depends on how much they can invest.  Overall, combine with my $5,000, my father's $20,000 to 30,000 and another $5,000 from each of my partners together, total will probably be around $35.000 to $45.000 more or less.  I will still owns more than 50% of the company.  This will probably be the best scenario to start for me.               

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