Thursday, January 27, 2011

Brian Forth - Employees Are Your Family

Brian Forth, technology business founder and owner of consistence growing company, gave us a different example of entrepreneurship.  He jumped into his field with the vision of web developing technology at the right time in late 90s.  Even though web and application development are compliantly different from his education background, with his vision, courage and help form others, he started a successful web design company.  Which once again proof the importance of acquiring help and using people well.  Then he continue growing his company and stay in the market through .com bust and economic recession.  The 2 most important key points I learn from him are Service Oriented and Company Culture.  I believe these two key points played important roll of staying alive through difficult time and continue growing.  A simple " We will answer your call" as a advertising title says it all.  Offering a great product is one thing, without good customer service and support, customer will not stay.  In his company, everyone is sales and customer service representative.  Everybody is involve with company's growth.  This quality not only attract customers, it also creates a great moment of market developing for company's growth.  Company Culture is also an unique and important quality of his management concept.  Company takes care of employee and employee takes care of company.  Like one big family, everyone doing his part to make sure family stays strong.  This kind of company culture really creates a bound between employee and organization.  Although, I am not sure if I will totally agree with his open book policy.  Even within family, money seems to always be the toughest subject to deal with. When money issue is involved, it could still tear a family a part.  He also gave us a couple of advice from examples of the mistake they made in the past.  " Don't see star in your eyes" and "Stay focus with what you know".  Over confident could really lead to a painful price.  Good advice.                             

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