Sunday, March 6, 2011 to Dot.bomb

Professor Andrew Fry using his own experience to talk about the history of Dot Com Boom from beginning to its end. There are five stages through out the whole dot com period.  1. An innocent beginning. 2. Boom. 3. Insanity. 4. Bust. 5. The crawl back to sanity and Bonus stage.  During the 15 years of dot com period, there are huge amount of new technology companies starts its business and failed at the end when dot com busted.  Many new company founders and investors had made them rich by following this dot com train ride.  And many of them also end up losing business and bankruptcy.
In Andrew's speech, he used plastic dinosaurs to visualize major technology companies that plays important role of leading this dot com revolution.  During the year 1992 to 1995, there was only abut 40 web sites on the Internet and most of them are government and research related message board like web pages.  When Internet started to take off around 1993, company like Microsoft, CompuServ, Spry INC, and free Range Media captured the opportunities of the power of the Internet to start the dot com market and revolution.  Professor Andrew Fry, the founder of the Free Range Media, presented Internet market potential in the 2nd annual conference of the World Wide Web project.  At the time, HTTP is only 2 years old.  By the year of 1995, many companies has follow the Internet market to create all kinds of web access.  In 1996, the dot com boom has began.  From 1996 to 1999,  AOL took charge and bought CompuServ.  The Infospace went to public, and it worth more than Boeing at the time.  However, it all comes to the end during the year of 2000 and 2001.  Many big companies such as Exodus Communication,, FreeZone, Luminant Worldwide closed it's door and declares bankruptcy.  In year 2002, after Amazon posted a profit report, Internet job market starts to rebound. Google went public in year 2005, and Venture capital also rebounds.
Dot Com period was a crazy and exciting time for technology industry.  What will be the next technology revolution is the question to many people.                      

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