Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Janeen Terrano - High Tech VS Low Tech

Janeen Terrano, the founder of Topia Technology visited our class on Tuesday.  Her achievement in technology industry is extremely impressive.  A small software development company moved from 0 to 3 million dollars in 18 month with government contract and survive from the Dot Com bubble impact.  A 37 employee company created a cutting edge technology product that out beat hundreds of IBM software engineers, and earned federal contract from US Army intelligence Security Command.  More surprising is that Janeen does not have any technology education background to start her enterprise.  Instead, she is humble and open minded person with great vision.  Which is probably what bring her success. 

Topia is a "High Tech" company.  I was very surprise to hear her definition of "Low Tech"- anything withing browser.  Moving beyond browser is whats define "High Tech" and cutting edge technology.  It is a very interesting concept and is quite simple yet complicate at the same time.  From what I understand, she and her company is trying to create a brand new infrastructure whiten cloud to solved network computing problems.  She also mentioned the simplicity for user is their focus.  I also really like the advice she gave to as on creating business model "Speak to your customer directly to find out your business model, not your investor"  I admire this kind of attitude, and I believe this is what bring Topia success.                                                               

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